Ukudibanisa umlilo

  • Imodeli: I-GP-gf
  • Ubungakanani:
  • Ukutywinwa:
  • Umgangatho we-SS: I-Aisi304, Aisi316l, Aisi316ti.
  • Ipharamitha yobugcisa:

    Iinkcukacha zemveliso

    I-GRIP-gF idibanisa uyilo olusebenzayo kunye netekhnoloji yakutshanje. The GRIP-GF is based on the proven coupling technology, which has been developed for the shipbuilding industry, also is successfully used for tunneling, fire hose applications etc. In the event of a fire, GRIP-GF coupling protectively enclosing the coupling. During this process, the coupling retains its full operational capability without any damage.

    Ifanelekile imibhobho ye-OD φ26.9-¶273mm

    Od  Umfanekiso 1 Ifoto 2 B C
    (Mm) (Mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) M
    18 46 55 61 19 10 8
    30 18 46 58 61 19 10 8
    33.7 18 40 62 61 19 10 8
    38 18 35 69 61 26 10 10
    42.4 18 32 61 26 10 10
    44.5 18 32 61 26 10 10
    48.3 18 32 78.2 61 26 10 10
    54 18 32 85 76 37 15 10
    57 I-56-58 18 32 88 76 37 15 10
    60.3 18 32 I-91.2 76 37 15 10
    18 32 95 37 25 20
    70 I-68-71 18 32 I-104 95 41 25 20
    73 18 32 I-107 95 41 25 20
    78.1 75-77 18 32 95 41 25 20
    79.5 18 32 I-113.6 95 41 25 20
    84 18 32 118 95 41 25 20
    88.9 18 32 123 95 41 25 20
    I-100.6 16 32 135 95 41 25 25
    I-101.6 16 32 95 41 25 25
    I-104 16 32 139 95 41 25 25
    I-108 16 32 142 95 41 25 25
    114.3 16 32 95 41 25 25
    127 5.000 16 30 171 I-110 54 35 40
    129 16 25 173 I-110 54 35 40
    16 25 174.3 I-110 54 35 40
    133 16 25 177 I-110 54 35 40
    139.7 16 25 I-110 54 35 40
    I-141.3 16 25 I-110 54 35 40
    154 16 25 I-110 54 35 40
    I-159 16 25 203 I-110 54 35 40
    168.3 16 25 209 I-110 54 35 40
    193.7 16 22 235 142 80 40 60
    200 10 22 242 142 80 40 60
    204 10 22 252 142 80 40 60
    206 10 22 254 142 80 40 60
    10 22 270 142 80 40 60
    10 22 295 142 80 40 60
    I-250 10 20 299 142 80 40 60
    254 10 20 302 142 80 40 60
    256 10 20 304 142 80 40 60
    267 10 20 317 142 80 40 60
    273 10 20 323 142 80 40 60

    V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6

    Uluhlu lobushushu
    -70 ℃ ukuya kwi + 260 ℃

    2. Awupheli nje ukudibanisa kunye nombhobho, kukhusela abasebenzi kwirabha yothuli kunye nevumba.


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